Your donations make a profound difference. As a not-for-profit, we rely on community support in order to provide low-barrier, trauma-informed counselling services. Your generosity helps us ensure that no one is turned away due to financial limitations. Every contribution directly supports affordable mental health care in the north.
Thank you!
Ways to donate:
We receive 100% of donations through this site and PayPal is able to issue a tax receipt immediately upon donation.
Please ensure any passwords are easily discernable
Via Cheque
Please make cheque out to "Northern Community Counselling Centre Society"
Cash or Card
In-person at the front desk, #206 - 1811 Victoria St. in Prince George
As a registered charity, donations are eligible to receive a charitable tax receipt. If you would like to receive a receipt, please email our Executive Director, Silvia Welygan and provide your full name and address.